Torre dos Clérigos, The magical Tower of Porto
Wherever you are, if you are looking at the heart of Porto you can´t miss it: the beautiful XVIII century Torre dos Clérigos (Clerigos Tower) stands out as the main Porto landmark. Firmly rooted in Porto’s identity, it was inaugurated in 1763, rises about 76 meters high and is the most visited monument of Porto. The Church...

Reflexos de Outono no Palácio de Cristal | Autumn Reflections in Porto
(Pt) Este céu com penas esvoaçantes é na verdade o reflexo da fonte d’art (termo francês para as peças artísticas em ferro fundido) que representa do oceano, com sereias e tritões, que seguram uma taça onde brilha a Vénus no Banho. O Outono anuncia assim lentamente a sua chegada aos jardins do Palácio de Cristal...

O Fogo de São João e a emoção de ser do Porto! | São João fireworks and the thrill of being from Porto!
(Pt) Depois de jantar com a família ao ar livre e lançar balões, foi do Jardim do Morro, entre muita gente bem disposta, que assisti ao belíssimo fogo de artifício de São João
Espreitem estes vídeos que fiz para vos deixar alguma da magia desta noite. No primeiro, além da beleza do fogo, ouve-se no...

Palacio da Bolsa: Looking up to be amazed | Palácio da Bolsa: Ouro sobre azul
There´s a monument in Porto which defies your eyes: you must look up to be amazed! The Palácio da Bolsa in Porto stands out among the old rooftops of the historic center as a great tribute to the emerging nineteenth century bourgeoisie of the city, which both contributed to its prosperity and prestige. It was...

Porto Medieval Wall: wallking on history|Visitar a Muralha Fernandina do Porto
Porto Medieval Wall, known as Fernandine Wall, was built to substitute the old late-medieval defensive wall that, by the 15th century, had become too small for the growing city. It was rebuilt by the king D. Fernando, after whom it was named, between 1368 and 1437 with money from the wine transfer tax and it was about...

Virtudes Garden, a vertical landscape retreat in the heart of Porto | Jardim das Virtudes
Perto da Torre dos Clérigos existe um jardim único com a particularidade de ser vertical, estendo-se em socalcos: o Jardim das Virtudes. A sua arquitectura e localização recompensam os visitantes com vistas soberbas sobre a Alfândega, o rio Douro e a ribeira de Vila Nova de Gaia, com as históricas caves dos Vinhos do Porto...
When Port Wine colours become paintings! | Quando as cores do Vinho do Porto pintam!
Did you ever imagine having a cup of delicious Port Wine in front of you and, instead of indulging yourself by drinking it, use it as ink to create a work of art? Or, in other words, imagine that Port Wine colours become paintings? Well, that’s exactly what artist Gabriela Gonçalves has been doing for some...

Gold from the Portuguese Discoveries
Portuguese brought many richest from their maritime Discoveries around the world in the XV and XVI centuries. This is a Justo, a currency that enhanced the prestige and power of the Portuguese king Dom João II, over 500 years ago! This coin was minted in 1485 with gold from the western coast of Africa, mainly...

Belfries always around us
In Porto belfries have the most romantic views of the city. #VeraDantas #PortoEnvolto #Porto #Oporto

Porto after the flood of the Douro river
This morning, crossing the D.Luis Bridge over Porto and Gaia, I couldn’t resist to step out of the light rail and see at close the damages caused on Porto after the flood of the Douro river due to bad weather yesterday. During the night, Porto and Gaia waterfronts were under water after the...

New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Porto 2016
New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Porto 2016 By Vera Dantas #VeraDantas #PortoEnvolto #Porto #City #BonsMomentos #Travel #Lifestyle